So, I got bored and decided to rank my 25 favorite songs. Not an easy task. Now I'm not saying that these songs are necessarily the best songs of all time; they're just the one's that I like for whatever reason. And then in the middle I remembered another one, so now our list is 26. =] Without further ado...

26. Incubus - Drive

I love smooth rock, and this would be a shining example of that. It has a really great theme and is one of my favorites to sing to the steering wheel.

"When I drive myself my light is found"

25. Immortal Technique - Obnoxious

This song just cracks me the fuck up.

"I'm obnoxious, motherfucker can't you tell?/Run through Little Havana yelling "Viva Fidel!"/Jerking off on the sheets when I stay at hotels/Drinking Bacardi at AA meetings, smoking an L"

24. Alicia Keys - Diary

This just has so much soul to it; really gets me grooooovin'.

23. Stevie Nicks - Landslide

Who doesn't like this song? I love the wording of the lyrics; very poetic.

"Oh mirror in the sky, what is love? Can the child in my heart rise above?"

22. Jay-Z feat. Eminem - Renegade

Eminem just completely goes off in this track, with impeccable multisyllabic rhyme schemes that make my head go nuts.

"Now who's the king of these rude, ludicrous, lucrative lyrics/Who could inherit the title and put the youth in hysterics/Using his music to steer it, sharing his views and his merits/but there's a huge interference, they're saying you shouldn't hear it"

21. Jay-Z/Linkin Park - Numb/Encore

I'm not a huge Jay-Z fan, but I just can't help but rap along with this. A great collab.

20. Lupe Fiasco - Hurt Me Soul

One of my favorite artists, Lupe uses creative metaphor and lyrics to outline the problems in todays world. Very smooth.

"My mom can't feed me, my boyfriend beats me/I have sex for money, the hood don't love me/The cops wanna kill me, this nonsense built me/And I got no place to go"

19. Coldplay - Viva La Vida

We've all heard it. I think its the violins that do it for me (just like in a Beatles song that will make an appearance later in the list). A very crisp, distinguished, yet snazzy song.

18. John Lennon - Imagine

Classic. You know the words.

17. Tupac - Changes

This posthumous release in one of his best; it outlines how the actions of inner city violence are simply products of their environment, even though it's not right. That's just the way it is.

"Take the evil out the people; they be actin' right/cuz both black and white are smokin' crack tonight/the only time we chill is when we kill each other/it takes skill to be real, time to heal each other"

16. The Sugarhill Gang - The Rapper's Delight

The first rap song to get mainstream airplay, this song has been a favorite for years. It's upbeat, funny, and just makes you feel good.

"Have you ever been over a friend's house to eat and the food just ain't no good?/I mean the macaroni's soggy, the peas are mushed, and the chicken tastes like wood"

15. Across the Universe - With a Little Help from My Friends

I prefer this rendition of the song to the Beatles'. I like to whistle this.

"What would you do if I sang out of tune/Would you stand up and walk out on me?"

14. Kanye West - Jesus Walks

Kanye may be an egocentric jackass, but this song is the shiiiiiit! Superbly composed and orchestrated; damn near flawless.

"So here go my single dawg, radio needs this/they say you can rap about anything except for Jesus/that means guns, sex, lies, videotapes/but if I talk about God my record won't get played, huh?"

13. Jeff Buckley - Hallelujah

By far the most overall beautiful song I've heard. The first time I heard this in its entirety I wept simply for the sheer beauty of it. His voice drips with passion for his work, and the religious imagery and metaphor is superb. I should probably put this higher, but it's gonna stay at 17 for now.

"Remember when I moved in you, and the Holy Dove was moving too?/And every breath we drew was hallelujah"

12. Eminem - Lose Yourself

Arguably the best track of Em's career, this song is raw emotion and terrific rhyming; weaving a consistent story.

"Palms are sweaty, knees weak, arms are heavy/There's vomit on his sweater already, mom's spaghetti"

11. Eve 6 - Inside Out

I'll admit that I may have ranked the first entry in the top ten a little high due to recently seeing them play in concert, but this song has great wordplay and metaphor, and is one of the few songs that I can always rock out to.

"The tick tock of the clock is painful, all sane and logical/I want to tear it off the wall"

10. Sam Sparro - Black and Gold

This song is FUNKY! It always makes me want to dance and move my bootay no matter what. This first time I heard this I fell in love with it, and that hasn't changed.

"If you're not really here, then the stars don't even matter/I went to the top with fear, but it's all just a bunch of matter"

9. Little Brother - Hiding Place

The rhyme scheme in the third verse just completely entrances me.

8. Nas feat. AZ - Life's a Bitch

Great verses from what many consider to be the greatest rap album of all time.

7. The Beatles - Eleanor Rigby

Spectacular, soulful verses from all three rappers just drive me crazy. Great lyrics and stunning production. J-Ivy spits the verse of his life.

"My breath is felt by the deaf/and my words are heard and confined to the ears of the blind/I too dream in color and in rhyme"

5. OutKast - Roses

This song is just fun.

"I know you like to think your shit don't stink/but lean a little bit closer, see that roses really smell like boo-boo"

4. Fuel - Shimmer

Great lyrics and composition make this one of the few songs that I never skip.

"She says that love is for fools who fall behind/I'm somewhere in between/I never really know a killer from a savior"

3. Eminem - Superman

Violent, mysognistic, and beautiful. Catchy, passionate, and perfect delivery. I can't help but love it.

"They call me superman/Leap tall hoes in a single bound/I'm single now"

2. John Legend - Ordinary People

Gorgeous. John Legend's silkly smooth voice just drive me silly in this true-to-the-heart song. Stunning piano.

1. Jason Mraz - I'm Yours

No other song makes me as spontaneously happy. How could that not be my favorite. This has catchiness, lyrics, singing, and nothing but love, love, love.

"I've been spending way too much time checkin' myself in the mirror/and bending over backwards just to ty to see it clearer/my breath fogged up the glass/so I drew a new face and laughed"

So there you have it. If you can understand why I love these songs like I do, you're a step closer to understand Justin.

Peace, love, and spectres,


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I can be a bit of a narcissist at times. I don't like it.

Peace, love, and hypnotherapy,

Hello, faithful reader! Yours truly had a very eventful weekend, although he wasn't planning on it. Originally I was just planning on going home for the weekend because I hadn't done that yet this semester and I missed my family. But Friday night when I got home I remembered that Saturday nigh t Eve 6 would be performing at school. Now I'm not extremely familiar with them (even though Inside Out is one of my favorite songs), but they are one of the few bands that I'll put on whenever I'm looking for music with an edge and good lyrics. I was considering not even coming back to see them, but I figured I might as well since I hadn't done anything fun like that in a while.


Wendy, Pam and I were right up against the stage, and I could practically smell the guitarist's ballsweat. They played a lot of the songs I liked, and when they played Inside Out I just completely rocked the hell out and had the time of my life. It was super-dee-duper! Afterwards we met the band and Wendy got the original set list signed, which was pretty cool. Afterwards even though I was tired I was too energized to sleep, which was a bit of a bummer because I couldn't fall asleep til like 6 in the morning. =[

Around 9:30 I got a call from Wendy saying that Jacligza wasn't feeling well enough to go on the trip to the Holocaust Museum in DC, so they had another ticket. My sleep-deprived brain pondered this for a second before clambering out of bed and preparing myself for the day's adventures. The bus ride wasn't too bad (I LOVE the autumn trees), and the museum itself was pretty good too (albeit depressing). Then Wendy, Pam, Dan and I went to find some food because we were all starving. We ended up in some shitty ass food court with nearly inedible food. Overall the trip was good though, and I was glad I went.

Overall, I just had an awesome weekend, and that makes me happy.

Peace, love, and barnacles,

Well tonight I finally finished a paper that I'd been putting off for the past two weeks, for my Existentialism class. It dealt a lot with Kierkegaard's statement "truth is subjectivity". He basically believed that when we think of something as being true, what actually is truth is how the thing is related us. When we think of a tree, we don't think of a tree's essence, and what it means to be a tree, but we think about how it relates to us - its physical appearance as well as functions the tree might have in our lives, etc. If we wanted to actually understand a tree, we would have to BE a tree. The objective truth of "tree-ness" is impossible to be understood by us, because we are trapped by our own subjective natures. This is why truth is subjectivity. Everything we try to understand passes through our filter of subjectivity, and then we assign truth values to whatever we are thinking about it as well as HOW we think about it (our attitudes towards things). All we are able to have truth about is how things relate to us, not the things themselves.

I actually ended up enjoying the paper I wrote because I can pretty much agree with what he's saying (considering truth as subjectivity). My official philosophy on what people should believe is that people should simply believe in what feels right to them. If you're an athiest, that's cool. Muslim, that's cool too. I feel that it is in man's nature to want and search for the truth. If a certain set of beliefs rings true in your ears, then you cannot be condemned for holding onto what you believe to be true, because for you it IS truth.

Kierkegaard then goes on to explain why people need faith in their lives. And yes, I realize that I'm pretty much just regurgitating parts of my paper, but I feel that these ideas are definitely still relevant today. And besides, if you're still reading at this point then you don't dislike it too much. =] It's starts to get kinda dense at this point, but hopefully I'll be able to make it understood...

Right now, think about the present moment. No matter how you try to deny it, you simply cannot deny the fact that right now this present moment exists. But what about the next moment? Or ten minutes from now? Or ten years from now? Or what about the moment after death? You cannot be absolutely 100% certain that these moments will exist for you, and that at the very next moment the entire universe won't cease to exist and be nothing. I don't think it's likely, but hey, it could happen. This is what the future is. Uncertainty. When people begin to realize the uncertainty of the future, they also begin to realize that if there is a future, they have complete freedom to make the future what it is. (Some hard determinists would disagree with me, but I think most tend to believe that humans have free will).

When we are faced with the uncertainty of the future, and realize that we are forced to make choices, it fills us with a sense of dread. It is an enormous responsibility to literally CREATE THE FUTURE. Think about that. That's what you are doing, at every moment of your life. But dread does not mean to imply being scared that one will make bad decisions, that's fear, not dread. Dread is what is the feeling you get when on some level of your consciousness, you realize that it is possible that in the next moment YOU WILL NOT EXIST AT ALL. That's a scary thought for the human psyche to grapple with. So how does it deal with the dread?

It searches for truth - for certainty - about that which is by definition uncertain, namely, the future. There are a number of propositions that claim to give that certainty: different religions, spirituality, metaphysics, etc. But when it comes to these sort of things, you CANNOT be rational and scientific about it, even if you wanted to. If one is trying to decide whether or not to believe in God, he cannot do so by trying to use scientific proofs and logical arguments. You could hear all the reasons why other people believe in God, read the Bible or listen to other's logic for trying to prove or disprove God, but ultimately, this will never be enough to completely convince you of God's existence (or of any proposition that claims to provide truth about the uncertainty of the future). In order to truly believe, you have to take the "leap of faith" and simply believe what feels true to you. But you can't just be half-hearted about it, that would be being untrue to yourself. You have to actually believe it with all your soul. In having this kind of belief, one is practicing what is TRUE to them, and being aligned in truth is what rids man of his existential dread.

Even if a man believes that when you die, you become part of a giant banana, if he believes this with all his heart, he will feel secure and safe. He asks no more "what if" type questions, and is simply able to live his life. For him, it is what he KNOWS to be true. This is why faith in something - just about anything - is important in a person's life. It enables us to surrender our dread, like a 2 ton weight off of our shoulders, and to live more gracefully. If you KNOW that you are loved and you KNOW that everything is going to be okay, isn't life a lot easier? I think so. And even the atheist, who believes that there is nothing else but this life, exactly as we experience it...doesn't that give him all the more reason to make the most of life?

For me, I am happy to say that I do indeed place my faith in God. This may be a surprise for many who read this, as I used to be very much against religion and all things related to this thing called "God". But I have had times in my life where I have experienced the presence of God, and I could no longer remain true to myself if I denied God's existence. I still am against organized religion, as I feel that it does more harm than good - but I also recognize its necessity in the daily and spiritual lives of those who believe it. God is just what feels true to me. And I couldn't be more grateful for that feeling.

Last year, Ryan gave me a few words that have eased my mind considerably, and maybe they might ease yours as well, if you happen to find yourself unsure of your own beliefs. "God doesn't care if you believe in him." There could be nothing truer. God is infinite acceptance and unconditional love (and so are you), whether you believe or not. Either way, you're okay. Just live your life and be happy. =]

"There is nothing but love, everything else is our resistance to it."

I love you all.

Peace, love, and crawdads,

Time for today's Sunday Secret!

The desire to learn to play guitar is one of the few things that has come completely from me and from me only, and desired only because I thought it will make me happy. And that makes me happy. =]

As does playing my guitar.

Peace, love, and duress,

I decided I'm going to totally steal Kae Lani's brilliant idea of the Sunday Secret. Consider it homage to her wonderful blogstyle.

So on to today's secret..

When I was a wee lad (around kindergarten age), my favorite color was pink.
Last night Antoine and I walked over to Hops & Grapes to grab some alkies-hall, which I kinda hate doing because I always feel sketchy because I'm under 21 (for another month at least), and I know that I don't really hide my emotions that well so I probably look sketchy too..but it was okay because I was with Antoine and Antoine is awesome and makes me laff a million laffs.

So then we take our newly-purchased passion fruit Smirnoff and mixer over to Wendy's, where we meet her friend Mavae, and the party commences! And then after about 20 minutes or so Shane and Adam come by with approximately 8,003 people, and the apartment was hot and cramped, but it was okay because we we're playing kings with some new-found friends, and good times were had. Except for the little fucking blue man, but we can blame Antoine for that.


Then most of the people left to go to Beau (because they enjoy sexual assaults, most likely), so it was Jacligza, Wendy, Mavae, Antoine, Stephanie, and me, and we stayed and had a few more sips of drinky-drank and then we were off to Beau as well! We headed over to Lee's, only to find that there weren't many people there. That's when the dark stormy metaphorical rainclouds came over our night. Mavae had had a bit too much alkies-hall and wasn't able to get it out of his estomago. Unconsciousness ensued. We got the prowling puhlease-men to get an ambulance for him, so he and Julie and Wendy went to the hospital. He's okay now. =]

Then Steph, Antoine and I walked back to my apartment talking about various things in the way that only drunken friends can, and I ordered Domino's. Then I was asleep and out for the night.

With the exception of Mavae's drunkenness, I had a pretty damn good night. It was nice to hang out with Stephanie and Antoine again, because I love them dearly and don't see them nearly enough.

And noowwwwww it's Friday, and Natalia is coming to OMS, and then Kae Lani is coming to yoga, and I'm a happy bitch.

Peace, love, and cold pizza,

I can sense change coming. I don't know what exactly it's going to entail, but I can feel it. Right now I can just tell that I'm in a transitioning period; I'm leaving one phase of my life behind. I feel a little bit like a flower that's just about to bloom. I've been doing a lot of work on myself internally, and it's about time for manifestation, and putting my work into practice.

One thing that has definitely been manifesting itself (and beautifully, I might add) is the meditation group that my roommate, Ryan, and I have started at Rowan. Tomorrow will be the fourth week that Open-Minded Spirits (OMS) is meeting, and already we have over twenty members. This makes me extremely happy. Towards the end of the summer when I was debating on whether or not this was a project that I really want to embark upon this project, there was a little voice that told me "Get the ball rolling, and the rest will unfold on it's own". I found that sometimes it's good to listen to the voices in my head =] The whole purpose of the club is simply to raise people's consciousness, and to awaken people to the truth that lies inside them. Meditation is great for that. Good intentions and good actions will lead to good results!

Another thing that I'm trying to start doing is writing again (hence this blog). I used to write all the time; raps, poems, blogging, etc. I haven't had the motivation to write in a very long time, and even now I can tell that my writing level has dropped considerably, which disappoints me some. Yeah, I can still string together a sentence obviously, but my words lack the life that they used to have. It feels that way to me at least, and that's what matters. So now I'm just trying to force myself to blog again in the hopes that I'll find places from which to draw inspiration that I didn't have before. I eventually want to start rapping again, that was something that I loved to do and was my best form of creativity, and I miss being creative. I just need that spark...

And, I miss hanging out with my friends, very dearly. That's going to be changing soon too. =D

Peace, love, and chairs,
