Last night Antoine and I walked over to Hops & Grapes to grab some alkies-hall, which I kinda hate doing because I always feel sketchy because I'm under 21 (for another month at least), and I know that I don't really hide my emotions that well so I probably look sketchy too..but it was okay because I was with Antoine and Antoine is awesome and makes me laff a million laffs.

So then we take our newly-purchased passion fruit Smirnoff and mixer over to Wendy's, where we meet her friend Mavae, and the party commences! And then after about 20 minutes or so Shane and Adam come by with approximately 8,003 people, and the apartment was hot and cramped, but it was okay because we we're playing kings with some new-found friends, and good times were had. Except for the little fucking blue man, but we can blame Antoine for that.


Then most of the people left to go to Beau (because they enjoy sexual assaults, most likely), so it was Jacligza, Wendy, Mavae, Antoine, Stephanie, and me, and we stayed and had a few more sips of drinky-drank and then we were off to Beau as well! We headed over to Lee's, only to find that there weren't many people there. That's when the dark stormy metaphorical rainclouds came over our night. Mavae had had a bit too much alkies-hall and wasn't able to get it out of his estomago. Unconsciousness ensued. We got the prowling puhlease-men to get an ambulance for him, so he and Julie and Wendy went to the hospital. He's okay now. =]

Then Steph, Antoine and I walked back to my apartment talking about various things in the way that only drunken friends can, and I ordered Domino's. Then I was asleep and out for the night.

With the exception of Mavae's drunkenness, I had a pretty damn good night. It was nice to hang out with Stephanie and Antoine again, because I love them dearly and don't see them nearly enough.

And noowwwwww it's Friday, and Natalia is coming to OMS, and then Kae Lani is coming to yoga, and I'm a happy bitch.

Peace, love, and cold pizza,

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