The past week or so has been very interesting. My social situation here at Rowan has already changed a bit; Wendy and I broke up last week (it was mutual) and Amabel is finally here =]. It's taking a little bit of adjustment but I've noticed that I just feel different than I have during previous semesters. I just kinda have this gut feeling about where my life is heading, and I know it's going to be a joyous ride. I've noticed over the past few months that I am, frankly, losing my mind. My experiences are directing me to rely on things other the rational mind, such as emotions and intuition. I've also had a few synchronicities occur within the past week or so, and learning to put faith in them instead of listening to my head has been a bit of a challenge for me. It makes me feel a little bit crazy, because my ego wants to tell me "there's something wrong with this". But of course my ego would say that, as it's no longer getting the attention that it once had. I want someone to tell me "Yes, this is a normal part of human life, having faith in the experiences the mind can't understand is perfectly fine." But even if I was told this, the decision is ultimately mine. I'm not really worried though; we all have our own brand of crazy. =]
Peace, love, and pumpernickel,
There was one night when I was in sixth grade, and I put at ceramic jar to my mouth and sucked all the air out of it, so that I could hold the jar to my face without having to use my hands to touch it. I ended up creating so much suction that it pulled the blood towards my skin, essentially giving me a giant hickey around my mouth and chin.
This was the day before school pictures. ::facepalm::
Peace, love, and breadcrumbs,
I "rediscovered" this song tonight, I had forgotten all about it though I love it so much.
Peace, love, and doodles, Justin
I like to do funky dances when I'm alone on elevators, whether there's music or not. Then I walk off as if nothing happened, smiling on the inside.
Peace, love, and staplers,
Today was a day, not unlike many other days. The sun rose, it set, and the wind blew.
And I wrote a new song!
Check it out.
Peace, love, and potato skins,
Winter break is drawing to a close, and I must say that the past few days have been pretty badass. On Sunday I went with my grandparents and siblings to Elk Mountain in PA for two days of skiing on powdery white fluff. The snow was good all over the mountain, and even though it was bone-chilling cold at some points, I still had a good time. I got a scare on Monday when my sister hit a bump and literally ended up about ten feet in the air, and then tumbled head over heels for another 40 feet or so. Gave us quite a shock, but she ended up with nothing more than a puffy lip. And she got tons of giggles out of hearing us recount how she flew in the air; I think that fall might have been the highlight of her week.
We got back from skiing today, and then I headed out to Best Buy to pick out a laptop; my old one needed many repairs and the Geek Squad said that they would replace it instead of fixing it. So now an upgraded computer at no cost, and I must say that makes me rather happy.
I'm definitely ready for school. Bring it on.
Peace, love, and ladybugs,
Winter break has been pretty good thus far. I've been practicing my guitar hardcore, a few hours a day, and have noticed an improvement since break started. I've learned "Here Comes the Sun" and am currently working on the Jeff Buckley version of "Hallelujah", which is quite a challenge but I'm enjoying it. And I've tried writing some of my own music, but to no avail. I'm excellent with lyrics (if I do say so myself, which I do), but I can't write a melody to save my life. Right now I mostly come up with folk-sounding stuff that is ridiculously simple, but I figure with time and practice it'll improve. It's just difficult because I like to have the music before I start writing lyrics, instead of basically writing poetry and trying to force music into it. But oh well.
Last week was fun; I got to hang out with Lucius and his friend Mike for New Year's Eve, and we all got rather intoxicated and went walking around Willingboro for a little while. I drank too much (which I intended on doing from the get-go) and realized that I get a little too emotional when I drink a lot, so I'll have to keep that in mind the next time I party. It ended up for the best though, as I ended up getting some things off my chest that I had meant to for a while, though admittedly my drunken state wasn't the best way to do it. All in all it was a great night; I got to spend some time with one of my bestest buds which was a nice treat.
A couple days after that I went down to Atlantic City with Jackie and some of her family and friends for her birthday. We had a lot of fun dancing at this 70s- and 80s-themed club at the hotel, though I learned the hard way to find out how much drinks are before purchasing them ($7 a shot is FUCKING RIDICULOUS). Lesson learned. It was worth it though, if only to hear Jackie ramble on about how sober-drunk she was. Twas quite funny.
Yesterday I went and saw Avatar in 3D with my sibs and grandparents. I have to disagree with my brother's claim that it's the greatest movie of all time, but it was pretty sweet. I'd recommend it.
I miss my Wendy. <3
Peace, love, and fiddlesticks,